The Boondocks

The Boondocks

The Boondocks is an American adult animated sitcom on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. The series premiered on November 6, 2005 and was created by Aaron McGruder, based upon McGruder's comic strip of the same name. The show begins with an African-American family, the Freemans, having moved from the South Side of Chicago, Illinois to the fictional, peaceful and mostly white suburb of Woodcrest. The perspective offered by this mixture of cultures, lifestyles, socioeconomic classes, stereotypes, and races provides for much of the comedy and conflict in this series. There have been a total of 45 episodes over the course of the shows first three seasons. The two part season two finale "The Hunger Strike" and "The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show" was never aired on American television as Adult Swim feared legal actions against them from BET. Both episodes were aired on Teletoon and were released on DVD in the United States. The season three episodes "Pause" and "The Story of Jimmy Rebel" have been pulled from general episode rotation following the television debuts and no longer appear in reruns. A fourth season containing twenty episodes has been announced to air in January 2014.



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