American nurse, Karen Davis moves to Tokyo and encounters a vengeful supernatural spirit known as The Grudge that often possesses its victims. When a series of horrifying ...
Infection takes place in a dark, isolated hospital, where one doctors mistake has led to dire consequences for a patient. In a hospital death is just a breath away. ...
Yuki is the last surviving royal of the House of Takemikazuchi or Takemikazuchi no Hime (たけみかずち の ひめ), who live in a futuristic post-apocalyptic iso ...
Ryota is an unpopular writer although he won a literary award 15 years ago. Now, Ryota works as a private detective. He is divorced from his ex-wife Kyoko and he has an 1 ...
Japan falls into chaos after the earthquake in eastern Japan. The Japanese government then learns from the American CIA that uranium is being smuggled in Japan. The anti- ...
Set one year after the drama series "Moteki." 31-year-old Yukiyo Fujimoto (Mirai Moriyama) doesn't have money, dreams or a girlfriend. He has left his job at a staffing ...
Su-chan, Mai-chan, Sawako-san follows the lives of three women who are former co-workers. 34-year-old Su-chan works at a coffee shop and has feelings for the manager ther ...
Ishigami comes home from work and discovers his wife dead. Just then, he receives a phone call from his wife and falls in utter confusion. Unexplainable things keep happe ...