Season 01
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Season 05
Season 06
As Aceveda uses a cleverly-edited videotape to force her to sideline Vic, Monica goes toe-to-toe with a social worker whose negligence led to the hospitalization of a seven-year-old foster child.
All Episodes - S04
The Shield (2002) enters its fourth season with Vic Mackey adrift after his past actions have caught up with him. He's no longer the cop he used to be - the Strike Team h ...
Vic agrees to quietly bring in a teenaged drug user before learning of his role in a deadly armed robbery. ...
When her official arrival at the Barn is greeted by the outbreak of a deadly gang war, Monica assigns Vic the task of ending it. ...
As Vic pursues an escaped rapist, A.D.A Insardi sends Dutch and Claudette after a low level drug dealer. ...
As Monica is forced to defend her crime-fighting tactics, Vic's pursuit of a killer creates problems for Antwon, while Dutch's secret deal with the D.A.'s office gets him ...
A raid on a church being used as a drug drop places Monica in hot water with the community and her own cops. ...
As Aceveda uses a cleverly-edited videotape to force her to sideline Vic, Monica goes toe-to-toe with a social worker whose negligence led to the hospitalization of a sev ...
With Shane under orders to deliver Vic's body to Antwon, Monica looks for the leak that has led to the murder of some neighborhood informants. ...
As Shane enlists Vic and his men in the search for the body of a teenaged informant, the disappearance of two cops on patrol begins to look like payback for Monica's toug ...
As Vic decides to tell Monica the truth about Shane, Dutch and Claudette suspect an alleged serial killer of murder. ...
Vic pits Antwon's henchmen against each other in an effort to find the cop killers; Dutch and Claudette suspect Detective Billings of failing to stop a deadly carjacking. ...
Vic and Monica work to link Antwon to the cop killings, only to have Aceveda sell them out in an effort to keep the truth about his sexual assault from being made public. ...
Monica asks Vic to find a way to hold Antwon Mitchell responsible for the murder of two Farmington cops. ...