Season 01
Season 02
Resurrected John Alden finds himself chain-suspended by a lustful witch, most suspicious of her promise to become the instrument of Mary and Anne Hale's downfall. Baron Sebastian Marburg resigns to being replaced as child-lurer, promised promotion by his enigmatic mother, and delivers on his sinister promise to deliver Mary of George's remains, albeit as cannibalistic roast at a dinner hosted by Mary 'in honor of the countess', who accepts sanctimoniously as an excuse to let blackmailed Anne spot and steal the book to bring Sibley down, accepting Cotton's proposal just to get away. Mary plans instead to allow Increase Mather, whom she summoned from his personal hell, in a pact to bring the Marburg down finally by stealing from her boat the object that kept her beauty and health. Tituba fails to bring John to the forest. Dr. Samuel Wainwright seeks Cotton's tacit blessing for experimental vivisection on a dying plague victim to investigate the difference with contagions outside Salem. Written by KGF Vissers
All Episodes - S02