Season 01
Season 02
At Quantico, Caleb's doubts over Shelby rise due to her stubbornness during a hostages in airplane exercise for recruit pairs, which turns out an impossible 'Kobayashi Maru' exercise for the trainees. To Caleb's surprise, Will studied his fake double, insists to take over to infiltrate the cult as the leader knows Caleb but may accidentally give the game away. In New York, Alex and her hesitant-rebellious FBI supervisor Hannah Wyland must obey the terrorist's voice to plant a closed envelope in the audience at Senator Haas's next electoral rally, totally lose control and the deputy director's confidence while Simon analysis the risk of the chip inside, and Ryan, who is dear to both, grows utterly suspicious of Alex and feels obliged to turn against her as loose canon, and the chip proves more clever then feared. Written by KGF Vissers
All Episodes - S01