Henry's return with his bags of silver is generally welcomed though Redwick and Farlow want it confiscated for the crown. However Henry persuades Yeardley to keep it, leading Yeardley to admit he has the treasure map stolen from the late previous governor and to contemplate an expedition to the silver's location. Silas also comes back and suggests to Alice they move on whilst Henry is declared a hero for saving Mercy from a fire. Support for him evaporates after Christopher discovers the silver is only antimony and Henry stalks off following a fight with Silas. The fact that the map has been made public also means that Jocelyn has lost her hold over Lady Temperance keeping her secret. Written by don @ minifie-1
All Episodes - S01
In 1617 a group of women arrive in Jamestown, Virginia, to be settlers' wives, including the aristocratic Jocelyn Woodbryg, due to marry her English fiancé, Samuel Caste ...
Jocelyn is intrigued when the governor asks Samuel to investigate irregularities in the Virginia Company's books possibly caused by the previous governor but she has alre ...
A group of native Pamunkey enter Jamestown at night to steal tools and one of them, Chacrow, is caught. Massinger, angry at losing his land, tries to accuse Silas of sell ...
After Christopher Priestley disturbs a man digging up the grave of the late governor De La Warr the colonists believe it was in search of a treasure map and that Henry Sh ...
Silas accuses Massinger of killing his cow but has no proof whilst Yeardley falls ill with kidney stones, requiring Christopher to operate. Farlow and Redwick both try to ...
Angered by Redwick and Farlow's exploitation of the mutiny Verity steals from them but continues to rob other settlers, to the horror of Meredith, who hides her spoils. T ...
Henry's return with his bags of silver is generally welcomed though Redwick and Farlow want it confiscated for the crown. However Henry persuades Yeardley to keep it, lea ...
Another ship arrives in Jamestown, bringing more women and the letter to Temperance Jocelyn dreads. With the influx Yeardley proposes setting up a governing assembly for ...