Season 01
Season 02
Tom, Emily and Aaron have managed to achieve bipartisan support for the ambitious defense plan and associated budget. But by the time it comes ready to approve the budget, both the Senate majority and minority leader renege on that support all having to do with both parties trying to woo Tom in being their presidential nominee in the next election sixteen months away, the likelihood of an incumbent winning being higher, and Tom turning both of them down, he preferring to remain an Independent if he does decide to seek reelection. The team has to decide how Tom should handle the situation as if both the Republicans and Democrats will continue to play hardball with him unless he sides with one of them, he will be a lame duck president for the remainder of his term with the likelihood that he won't see a second term even if he wants one. In the process, they learn that one side does have a fallback candidate which would also make Tom's run for a second term more difficult. Another ... Written by Huggo
All Episodes - S02