Season 01
In a distant future Milo Rodericks, claiming to be the last living human, records a message from the ruin of a post-apocalyptic Earth. In 2016, a fleet of massive alien space ships appear in the skies of Earth. Dubbed 'the Overlords', the alien 'Supervisor for Earth' Karellen speaks to humanity claiming they have come to usher in an age of utopia. Karellen speaks to a farmer named Ricky Stormgren in the form of his deceased wife Annabelle, and chooses Ricky to serve as humanity's representative. Despite initial resistance and distrust from governments, the Overlords systematically eliminate disease, war, hunger, and pollution, setting the stage for the 'Golden Age of Humanity'. When Milo, currently confined to a wheelchair, is shot and killed by a drug dealer, the Overlords kill the attacker and resurrect Milo, as well as giving him the ability to walk. Media mogul Hugo Wainwright secretly organizes a counter-group dubbed the Freedom League which uses social media to spread distrust ...
All Episodes - S01
In a distant future Milo Rodericks, claiming to be the last living human, records a message from the ruin of a post-apocalyptic Earth. In 2016, a fleet of massive alien s ...
In 2035, life on Earth resembles a pastoral idyll. Dr. Boyce leads a research institute for Karellen, at which Milo and his friend Rachel work, until the space program is ...
Four years later, the children of Earth begin to demonstrate advanced psychic abilities and form a mental link with Jennifer. The Greggson family is wary of what is happe ...